Conference Organizers

Chair of Conference:

Dr. Kaili YIEH, Professor of Department of Business Administration at National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan and President of ACFEA (Since 2020). 
Co-Chair of Conference: 
Dr. Yilan XU, Associate Professor of Deppartment of Agricultural & Consumer Economics at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA. Past President of ACCI (2023-2024).
Local Chair of Conference:

Honorary Conference Advisory Committee (alphabet order)
Dr. Mohamed ABDEL-GHANY, Professor Emeritus of Consumer Sciences at University of Alabama, USA. 
Dr. Gong-Soog HONG, Professor and Head of Human Development and Family Studies Department, Iowa State University, USA.  
Dr. Jr-Tsung HUANG, Distinguished Professor of Public Finance at National Chengchi University, Taiwan. Associate Editor of Singapore Economics Review and Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. Deputy Chair of Advisory Board of ACFEA. 
Dr. An-Pang KAO, President of Kainan University and Professor of Economics at National Chengchi University, Taiwan. 
Dr. Haifeng LI, Professor of East Asian Economic Studies at Yamaguchi University, Japan.
Dr. Lakshmi MALROUTU, Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences and the Interim Assistant Vice President, Academic Enrollment and Resource Planning at California State University at Sacramento, USA.
Dr. Laily PAIM, Dean of Faculty of Human Ecology at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.  


Dr. Che-Cheong POON, Associate Professor of Economics and Finance at Hong Kong Shue Yan University, China. 
Dr. Zhenpeng TANG, Dean of School of Economics and Management at Fuzhou University, China.
Dr. Richard WIDDOWS, Professor Emeritus and Former Head of Consumer Sciences and Retailing at Purdue University, USA.
Dr. Jing Jian XIAO, Professor of Consumer Economics at University of Rhode Island, USA, Editor of Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, and Former Editor of Journal of Family and Economic Issues. Chair of Advisory Board of ACFEA.
Dr. Jung Sung YEO, Dean of College of Human Ecology, Seoul National University, South Korea.  
Chair of Advisory Board of ACFEA Conference
Dr. Jing Jian XIAO, Professor of Consumer Economics at University of Rhode Island, USA, Editor of Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, and Former Editor of Journal of Family and Economic Issues. Chair of Advisory Board of ACFEA.
Chair of Conference Program
Dr. Christine W. LAI, Distinguished Professor of Graduate Institute of Management, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
Special Issue Guest Editor 
Dr. Jr-Tsung HUANG, Distinguished Professor of Public Finance at National Chengchi University, Taiwan. Associate Editor of Singapore Economics Review and Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. Editorial Board of Journal of Consumer Affairs and Journal of Family and Economic Issues. Deputy Chair of Advisory Board of ACFEA.  
Electronic Ccomference Proceedings Editor
Dr. Po-Wen SHE, Assistant Professor of Department of Finance at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan.
Dr. Jiun-Nan PAN, Associate Professor, College of Management, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan.
Conference Communication
For more detailed information regarding call for papers, panels, submission, registration, invoice of payment, members of organizing committee, etc., please contact the ACFEA secretary,Mr. Posheng KUO, at asiancfea@gmail.com.