2016 ACFEA Biennial Conference

The Eleventh Biennial Conference of ACFEA
July 7-10, 2016

Organized by

Department of Economics and Finance,

Hong Kong Shue Yan University,

Braemar Hill Campus

Hong Kong, China


The Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association (ACFEA) has met every other year since 1995. The past ten biennial conferences have been held in Malaysia, China, Korea, China, Taiwan, United States, Malaysia, Japan, and Korea, Taiwan, respectively. The Eleventh Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association (ACFEA) will be held at Hong Kong Shue Yan University, North Point, Hong Kong on July 7-10, 2016. The central topic of the conference is to improve the well-being of consumers and families. Professionals in economics, consumer/family economics, marketing, management, political science, education, psychology, sociology, social work, microfinance, social security and other related fields are welcome to submit papers, poster proposals, and panel proposals addressing theoretical, empirical, methodological, pedagogical, and policy issues as they apply in an Asian context. All Papers accepted by the conference will be published in the proceedings; in addition, authors of papers that are outstanding in quality and content will be invited to submit their works to a special issue of Singapore Economic Review (SER, indexed in SSCI), Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning (JFCP, indexed in Econlit), International Journal of Revenue Management (IJRM, indexed in Econlit), and International Journal of Sustainable Real Estate and Construction Economics (IJSRECE).

Hong Kong became a Special Administration Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China on July 1, 1997, after a century and a half of British colonial administration. It is is strategically located at the mouth of the Pearl River Delta in Southern China. Bordered by the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone to the north, Hong Kong has a total area of about 1,100 square kilometers with a population of 7.3 million people. To the surprise of many visitors, this bustling city also features lush green hill slopes, secluded beaches, leisurely rural landscape and rocky shorelines.
Hong Kong is characterized by a high degree of internationalization, business-friendly environment, rule of law, free trade and free flow of information, open and fair competition, well-established and
comprehensive financial network, superb network of transport and communications infrastructure, sophisticated support services, and a well-educated workforce complemented by a pool of efficient and enterprising entrepreneurs. As the economic and financial gateway to China, and with an efficient regulatory framework, low and simple taxation, and sophisticated capital markets, the territory continues to offer the most convenient platform for international companies doing business on the mainland.
It is the world's 13th largest trading economy and is the "Freest Economy of the World" as named by the US based Heritage Foundation for 21 consecutive years, and it ranks second in the world for competitiveness in annual IMD study; it was the world’s fourth largest recipient of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows, and was the world's 10th largest trading entity in merchandise trade in 2013; and it topped the World Economic Forum's (WEF's) Financial Development Index in 2011 and 2012. In addition to its best-known as a shopper's paradise, Hong Kong has the world’smost expensive airport (Hong Kong International Airport), the world’s longest outdoor electric escalator (Central to Mid-levels escalator system), the world’s longest road and rail suspension bridge (Tsing Ma Bridge), the world’s largest cable car system (Ngong Ping 360), and the world’s oldest double-decker tram (Hongkong Tramways),… etc. You will be able to experience all these things during your stay in Hong Kong.
July 15, 2015
Starting Call for Papers, Posters, and Panels
March 31, 2016
 Full Paper (Or At Least 1,000 Words Extended Abstract), Poster, and Panel Submission Deadline.
 Feb. 15 – Mar. 31, 2016
 Reviewing Process
 March 1, 2016
 Starting to Send Out Letter of Acceptance
 March 1, 2016
 Starting Registration
 April 1, 2016          
End of Early Registration
 May 1, 2016
 End of Registration
 June 1, 2016
Deadline of Accepted Full Paper Submission
 July 7, 2016
 Conference Registration
July 8 - 9, 2016
Conference and local tour
 July 10, 2016
Please send all kinds of submissions to the conference secretary, Dr. Kurt Hon via e-mail: tyhon@hksyu.edu.
For more detail information regarding call for papers, posters, panels, submission, registration, accommodation, members of organizing committee, etc., please visit the official website of the 11th Biennial Conference of ACFEA: http://www.asiancfea.org.
On behalf of ACFEA, I would like to invite all of you to attend the conference and enjoy your stay in a wonderful and joyful place, Hong Kong.
Sincerely yours,
Che-cheong POON
PhD., Business Administration, Bulacan State University, Philippines
Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
President of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association.
Conference Chair of the 11th  Biennial Conference of ACFEA.
10 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemar Hill Road, North Point, Hong Kong.
Email: ccpoon@hksyu.edu
TEL: +852-25707110
TEL/FAX: +886-28068044
MBL: +852-91851237
URL: http://fs3.hksyu.edu/~ccpoon/